The Association’s Code Of Ethics

The Iranian Australian Association of Health Professionals (IRAHP) is a national not-for-profit organisation and is committed to conducting its activities in accordance with the highest standards of integrity and ethics.

High ethical standards are not only important to maintaining the public trust in IRAHP as an organisation, they are also critical to IRAHP’s mission, objectives and values. Just as rigorous standards of integrity and ethical conduct are woven into the fabric of science and the search for knowledge, it is essential that IRAHP ensures the conduct of our operations properly supports our programs in scientific research, education and professional development.

Accordingly, it is incumbent upon every IRAHP member, volunteer, employee, officer, trustee, or advisor, when joining the Association or working for, managing, representing, or advising IRAHP:

  1. Maintain the highest standards of scientific and professional honesty, integrity, and fairness;

  2. Respect membership’s diversity;

  3. Disclose any real or potential conflicts of interest;

  4. Use scientific principles and current knowledge in their medical, health-related activities and recognise the need for continual evaluation of medical and health science;

  5. Maintain a high standard of professional competence;

  6. Provide services with objectivity of judgement based upon substantiated information, recognising that legitimate differences of opinion may exist;

  7. Respect confidential information;

  8. Avoid adverse comment upon the character, competence or integrity of members of the Association;

  9. Acknowledge and discharge responsibility for the professional development and support of other members of the Association;

  10. Not engage in conduct likely to bring the Association into disrepute;

  11. Not promote or endorse medical and health-related practices in a false, misleading or unethical manner; and

  12. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.


IRAHP advises all members under any category or discipline and those planning to give medical or health advice to the public to investigate the range of insurance cover available. The Association can take no legal responsibility for your actions and cannot insure you against legal action. It is in your own best interests to take out a professional practice insurance policy if you intend to practice, consult or work in the field of medicine or health.